Everything You Need to Know About Keyword Research: Tips and Tools

Everything You Need to Know About Keyword Research: Tips and Tools

Online activities have been found to begin with queries. Now, you must have understood that keyword research is the mainstream for digital marketers. Keyword research aims to find out what your target audience is searching for online. Interestingly, you can determine what it will actually take to rank in search engines for those keywords.

If optimizing effectively is your target, you must know what keywords you must be targeting. Other key areas include target phrases for link building and content development for your audience. As you stick to the article, we'll now discuss what data will help you choose the best keyword to target.

Keyword research

The keyword research process is where you discover what search terms the target audience is entering in the search engine. It's more about finding businesses and websites like yours and optimizing the content so your business is visible on the search engine result pages.

At V1 Technologies, we ensure that the content on the websites comes up early in the results for that search term. If you want the audience to find your website, whether a blog, e-commerce website or local services, it's essential to develop a strategy and help them find you.

The top result in the Google search results for a given search query gets the most traffic. More or less, it's 49 percent of the time. The second result gets the most traffic, 22 percent of the time. Your aim must be to identify keywords your consumers are searching for. You must create content that matches their search results.

Run keyword research

There are many ways digital marketing companies in the UK use keyword research. Here are some of the methods and tools that work best for you.

Keyword discovery

The first phases initiate keyword research. It involves coming up with new keyword ideas. Sometimes this can be a tricky part of the process. Moreover, people unfamiliar with keyword competition will select comprehensive target words such as pizza, hotel, or Los Angeles.

Obscure phrases are a huge concerning factor. The first thing is to find suitable and related words for their businesses. Here it's not only limited to finding appropriate, related phrases for their business. This can be simply conducted using a spreadsheet application.

Keyword discovery tools

There are many tools available, and one of them is definitely Ubersugggest.To initiate the process, simply enter the keyword or phrase in the tool. SEMrush and Ubersuggest are some of the best tools you can go for.

Tools provide you with a broader view of what you can strive to rank for. Those with a low budget may opt for an intense competition, low cost per click option that still gets good results. Perhaps, you may pick multiple, and A/B test them for the best results.

Apart from that, there are alternate suggested search boxes. Moreover, the following search engines offer search options below the search box when you start typing in keywords

Also, depending upon the keyword, the search engine will suggest different suggestions. However, most consumers prefer Google.


Once you have a base spreadsheet for keyword data entry, here's what you need to look for. When searching for a keyword, you get access to a list of "content ideas." Here you can go through a list of pages that rank for keywords depending on your requirements. You also get access to page visits from the keywords, how many backlinks the page has, and how many shares it has on social media sites.

Analysis with Moz

Moz is a powerful platform used by many digital marketing companies in London. Here, you get access to essential data and help it narrow down your target keywords. The platform also gives you access to a very nice little tool named Keyword Difficulty & SERP Analysis.

Basically, it allows you to check the percentage of difficulty of each keyword. It equally gives you an idea of how hard it can be to rank your keyword in the SERPs. Besides, you'll see the top ten sites ranked for each keyword, each listed with its domain authority and the number of root domains linking to it.

When working on your site, the experts from a digital marketing agency in London will simply assess the difficulty, search volume, organic click-through rates, and the balance of ranking ease and results.

The aim here is to list your websites in the top ten. But, if you're not in these results, you must compare the website's domain authority and link root domains to the states of the site ranking in the top ten.

Domain authority ranges from 1 to 100. The higher a website's domain authority, the more chances to rank for the keywords it gets optimized for. The linking root domain is basically a unique complex linking to a website.

You can see that the site with the highest authority and linking root domains don't necessarily win the top spot. To reach your site at the top, you need a domain authority of 28 or high and hundreds of linking root domains to beat the competition.

Another vital area is when you are drawing commercial or information results. This means that you have a precise understanding of whether the keyword is being searched for commercial purposes or whether it is being searched for information.

Running a complete analysis will provide a detailed insight into whether the page is purely informational. All of the results are from highly authoritative domains. If you're a business offering ecommerce services, you want to target ecommerce as the primary business homepage.

The content team from the digital marketing agency in London will create content based on the business. Adding content on highly authoritative domains can get you into the rankings for a phrase searched potentially by a million people monthly.

Putting things together

The final part the digital marketing company in London emphasizes is taking the spreadsheet and interpreting the data. In the spreadsheet, there is a specific field you need to display. The higher number is good, whereas a lower number is bad.

Running highlighting and sorting options would be a valuable part of the process. You can quickly see which keywords have the most searched and least competition.

You could then look at the competition for each keyword when trying for the top rankings.

Make the final choice

There are some of the most significant ways to make the final choice for keywords. Here's what you need to keep in mind as the part of the process,

If the website serves a commercial purpose (offering products and services), you must go with keywords that seem to have the most commercial intent. Now, this is totally based on current ranking websites. But, you need to add keywords with informational intent for informational sites.

Focus on the "sweet spot" of high search volume in conjunction with a low level of difficulty.

Go for keywords with high search volume and top competitors but lower domain authority and backlinks.

If the website already ranks on the first page but fails to grab between the top 5 spots, yet the keyword has good search volume, it's best to focus on getting those keywords and phrases to move up.

It's not the actual decision that creates concern. Our experts from a digital marketing agency in London have seen how compiling the data takes the most time. You must equally prioritize more informational keywords. It would be best if you used them for content topic ideas.


This is where we conclude the method of discovering keyword ideas, analyzing, and then choosing the best for the website. While there are various ways to perform keyword research, you have to try different analysis methods to see which ones show the best result.

Keyword research is crucial if you want to drive traffic to your website. With more experience, you may want to get more experience with keyword research. Besides, there are a plethora of keyword research tools at your disposal.

At V1 Technologies, our team is continually rolling out new features to provide you with better data. Besides, if you're new to this dimension or lack an understanding of how digital marketing works, you may always get help from our team.

Get in touch with the experts as we help you meet all your website requirements. Reach out us to today for a better website ranking.