Google Algorithm Updates & Changes 2020: A Complete Guide

 Google Algorithm uses a compact system to track data, instantly delivering the best possible result from its search index. Moreover, search engines use several combinations of such algorithm to deliver relevant webpages in its search engine result pages (SERPs). Before, Google used to make a handful of updates but now, it rather emphasizes on the algorithm. In fact, most of these updates are minuscule which goes unnoticed. Occasionally, Google also rolls out major updates which have a significant impact on the SERPs.

Google Search Liaison Danny Sullivan on twitter announced that Google will be coming up with a broad core algorithm update and it would take approximately 1-2 weeks to complete the process. Coined as "May 2020 Core Update" Google is always a step ahead of the SEO community. Since recent times, the company defaults to a generic naming pattern. This is the second core update of 2020 and the first one being launched after the pandemic.

Key Factor Behind the Upgrade

Broad core updates garner noticeable effects across the search result in all the regions irrespective of the language. In contrast, almost all the sites either gain or drop the search ranking. The current update has been based on the relevancy of the content. What that means is, if the site offers related content, it will fundamentally move to a higher position. This being the first update since the pandemic, many websites seemingly stay volatile. So, the key purpose here is to basically focus on fresh and relevant content.

Impact of the Update

Some webmaster and SEOs have reported terrible effects. Industries such as tech, health, recipes and finance have been badly affected. There are also some signs about cryptocurrency contents facing the brunt. Several website owners have seen the loss of traffic due to the disappearance of the URL. Google had redirected segments that prior to the update displayed rich snippets but trivial information.


Google is way ahead when it comes to upgrading and its guidance stayscrystal clear akin to the past. Google has always affirmed not to "fix" if the ranking drops after the core update. On the contrary, the “May 2020 Core Update” focuses on-site owners to make content more specific. Google further directs to focus on four of the fundamental areas

  • Content & Quality
  • Presentation & Production
  • Competitive Comparision
  • Expertise

It is high time to analyze the website and seek out what is missing. If your website lags, remember there is always a way out. However, now is the best time to step forward and give the necessary change as soon as possible.

Boon to SEO

Google extends huge potential if the May 2020 Core Update is a success, specifically for the SEO industry. Meanwhile, Every algorithm update creates a void and businesses seek for SEO. The greater the volatility, the more valuable the SEO becomes. Interestingly, SEO can only meet demand. There will be a significant rise in the work and websites needs to be churned out decisively in order to enhance the ranking.