Facebook Latest Promotion Guidelines 2021 for Young People

 Advertising for teenagers might be the last thing on your mind. However, they're a demographic that's proven to be incredibly valuable for brands. Teens represent a demographic that is totally glued up to social media. In fact, recent research has shown that teens spend a staggering 1200 hours per year browsing various social media platforms. But there are ethics that social media platforms are focusing on. The recent ones are from Facebook. The following types of audiences are not available to target ads to people under the age of 18 globally, under 20 in Thailand and under 21 in Indonesia

  • Details targeting (interests, behaviors, and demographics)
  • Connections targeting
  • Language targeting
  • Website custom audiences
  • App activity custom audiences
  • Customer lust custom audiences
  • Engagement custom audiences (event, Facebook Page, Instagram, Instant Experience, lead form, shopping, video)
  • Offline activity custom audiences
  • Lookalike audiences

Existing ad assets that covers young people

From August 23, 2021, many targeting options will no longer be available to target ads to people under 18 globally, 20 in Thailand, or 21 in Indonesia. Therefore, ads that opt to reach these young people may experience a decrease in audience sizes or potential reach.

However, to continue to reach young people, a business can create ad sets specifically for young individuals that only target according to age, gender, and location. Additionally, these changes will also apply to Reach and Frequency campaigns. If businesses choose to keep an affected campaign running, Facebook will use the CPM quoted when they create the campaign.

But suppose the original campaign's audience included young individuals. In that case, Facebook recommends editing the age range or removing targeting options that are no longer supported for these audiences, i.e., detailed targeting and Custom Audiences.

Due to a newer audience, businesses might experience fluctuation from the original reach, frequency, and CPM estimates.

New Ad Creation

Organizations may still target the audience that includes young people by using age, gender, and location-specific. However, suppose any institution aims to reach both young people and older people. Your business needs to create separate ad sets for each audience segment to optimize the use of the tools.

Let's take an instance; a business may create a single campaign that comes with two separate ad sets. You have the option to create one ad and set it specifically for young people under the age of 18. However, you need to make sure that it doesn't come with any detailed targeting options. On the other side, you may create a different ad set for older people and use all available targeting options.

When your business develops a global campaign, these restrictions are applicable up to 20 for people in Thailand and 21 for individuals in Indonesia. Moreover, companies may want to create separate ad sets for each age group and location in such situations.


Young people are a crucial audience for each brand. Reaching young people requires a specific strategy centeredaround time-sensitive, authentic content. Hopefully, with the guidelines mentioned above, your business may easily reach out to the younger generation.