Significance of a Content Management System for Website Credibility

 A content management system allows to create and manage digital content. CMS is an easy way to add information to the website without actually knowing about the complicated programming languages. These days most of the websites seek the help of content management system in order to promote their business. The evolution in the content management system has now allowed many companies to swiftly market their products and services without the need of professional developers.

A CMS opens a load of possibilities and can equally customize as per the business module. This includes

  • In-house integration to add features and functionalities
  • Plugins to extend the functionality
  • Management of multiple websites
  • Advanced security & hosting
  • Multiple language options
  • E-commerce business management

Selecting a CMS

Choosing an appropriate content management system can be a complicated process if you lack knowledge about its functionality. At V1 Technologies, we focus on broad business goals and further help you choose the right platform for your business.

Majority of websites these days use WordPress. Google also recommend WordPress as the algorithm nicely plays with WordPress sites helping search engine optimization more precisely. Apart from that, Joomla and Drupal are other renowned platforms.

CMS For Your Company

After you choose a CMS, you need to develop the core capabilities for your business. There is a need for the overall introduction of plugins to extend business functionalities. Setting up and launching a CMS is just the beginning. To explore its capabilities, you need to go for various online channels like social media marketing, content marketing, SEO, etc.

We at V1 Technologies comprehensively work to develop the set-up in such a way that ensures easy to use interface and easy to update for content marketers and content authors. Also, we have helped some of the leading businesses across the UK and the USA explore their business possibility.


In today's times, when cybersecurity is a prime concern, having an army of developers and computer scientist can cut the risk of security-related issues. Likewise, there are countless numbers of tools and plugins available that can increase the overall website's security.

Websites are very much vulnerable to hackers who are in search of vantage points, so make sure that your security team has a hardcore presence to ward off such challenges.


Website maintenance can cover a chunk of your business investment. Also calling a website developer frequently will only add up your bills. On the other side, if you are incapable of bringing back the return of investment, it will be a big issue in the long-run.

It is best to invest in a content management system and save a ton. The system simply allows you to manage your business portfolio without the need of a web developer. You can now instantly change or update your content as per your requirement.

About Us

V1 Technologies is a leading website design and development company based in the UK. We have our other branches in the US and India. We offer IT solutions for businesses across the globe.